Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Updates 2015

Dang its finally 2015 time sure seems to be flying by. Asura finally came out and I actually was able to get her to S rank in one day with one of my friends. >w< Also I'm at 94% to SS rank on my MM and I'm so happy since this will probably be my first char that has ever reached past S rank. I also found a few pro's during my town hopping journeys, such as iNullfy and Kozin's friend SchoolBus, who is now apparently a Deadly Chaser from Iron Paladin!!! Why did he change I do not know the reason.

I also apologize for the lack of pictures in this post. Most of them are probably on my other computer and I will probably edit this post once I have access to that computer. So I hope you will stay patient til then.